the history books forgot about us - p
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After all she'd been through, he wondered what Geneva possibly derived happiness from. She was perfectly content in Phoenix Valley, that was for sure; after all, whatever had happened in Crimson Dreams had driven her away from the pack. If she was discontent in his pack, she would have frolicked away as she had done before. Geneva was a subtly stubborn type; Jefferson knew she would be intent on finding peace of mind and happiness even if it meant leaving people behind. She was finding something in Phoenix Valley that was keeping her there, but the cyclops was having incredibly difficultly discerning exactly what that something was. He wasn't too keen on admitting it, but he envied her. Why was she able to smile so sweetly and live so pleasurably with whatever she'd found when he couldn't find the same thing?

"How? Where?" His question was posed a bit earnestly, a bit more quickly than intended. How had she found happiness? He needed to know. His eye flashed away from her quickly, somewhat embarrassed by the forwardness in his voice, but it was obvious enough already that he was miserable. Jefferson was tired of being miserable. No man, not even one as unfortunate and deserving as he, could live willingly as miserable as he had become. "I never asked to be this way," he mumbled, then released a long sigh. "I don't know what you've found here that I can't, but at least it's paying off for someone."


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