face the face we've mauled
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501 words.

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Catalyst’s story was similar, although nearly not as dramatic (in the eyes of your ever-so-humble Princess Chance), but all the same, the girl lowered her eyes to display her dismay at the act of a mother, if she could really be called one. Catalyst’s mother had abandoned her, and had tried to rip out her sister’s eye? That was just terrible. What kind of mother could take away any chance of beauty in one of her daughters? Despicable. That was the only word that Princess could think of in relation to Catalyst’s mother. Admittedly, the word could also be applicable to Tokyo, but there was very little chance that the girl would actually admit this wretched word to anyone. And really, the word was just too ugly to be used in regards to Tokyo. “That’s a silly reason to try and take your sister’s eye out. Just as silly as my mom’s reason to not like my brother, ‘cause he looks like our dad. How come moms can be so stupid sometimes?” she asked, her tone hushed on the off chance that Tokyo might be lurking nearby. She had already said too much, and if Tokyo ever found out, she’d be angry. But she’d be even angrier to find out that Princess had called her stupid, the girl suspected.

Nodding her agreement, Princess tried to be sympathetic toward the younger pup. She supposed she could understand why Catalyst would not want to go near the borders again, but she had been holding out hope that the girl with the different eyes would be one to break the “stay in the pack lands” rule “because of the dangers outside.” If Catalyst had been one to do that, Princess would have had another person keeping an eye out for Buttface. She wasn’t so badly disillusioned that she thought that her brother would actually try to join Dahlia de Mai; she knew that he did not want to have contact with Tokyo again, ever. But she did suspect that he would try to seek her out again, as they had been incredibly close, once upon a time. “I would really appreciate that, if you could. Maybe one of your brothers or sisters will see him, and you could tell them to let me know? Or Emwe or Conor, if you ever talk to them, even though Conor was mean to you.” She felt she might be treading on thin ice, mentioning Conor once more, since Catalyst did not seem to have a very high opinion of him. However, as she stood and stretched her legs out, she thought it was worth the effort. And what was she supposed to do now? Princess was not particularly good at the effort of closing conversations. She usually just left after she got what she wanted (or was scolded, as was often the case). Was she allowed to just walk away this time, since she actually liked Catalyst, or did she have to do or say something else?


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