The Night Starts Here

It wasn’t easy figuring the young male out. He seemed turned around and tangled up inside. He was far from comfortable in his new home, and even more uncomfortable sitting beside her. Was she asking too many questions, or were they just the wrong ones? Maybe she hadn’t been nice enough. Mati scolded herself for not being more welcoming, believing that her almost snide remarks would loosen him up and make them friends. Other than Brooklyn, she was alone in this pack. The only other youth that was past the shifting age, and she hardly saw her sister. It was nice that he was here, but if she wasn’t careful she would chase him off to Cour des Miracles to live with her brother. Just east of here, along the coast. Mati had done her tracking, even though she hadn’t actually been within the boundaries.

The words he spoke were uneasy. Mati hadn’t meant anything by her teasing, she was quite helpless herself despite her build. Her eyes fell to the ground between them, and the lawn that he was uprooting. A small thought came to her mind, and she found that like she this boy shouldn’t be alone. Mati would always need something or someone to keep her form falling apart. When Haven left her and after she gained her scars her life was in pieces, but she clung to the pack and found solace in others, just enough to pull it all back together. Well, me either. Not a fair one. See, they were in the same boat, she just as inexperienced as he was.

The girl began to also pick at the grass beside her, adding the plucked blades to his small but growing pile. Would it be pushing to ask something else? Would she be looking for secrets that he didn't want her to know? Fear that he would find the silence unbearable and the chance that he would get up and just leave if she let her curiosity get the better of her Mati sat torn. Taking the chance she spoke while looking towards the ground, Have you settled in the Manor yet? Did he have a room? If not she would be happy to help him pick.


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