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Despite the circumstances surrounding it, these past weeks had been a blessing to him. To have her under his care, so that he knew that she was alright brought such calm to the man. Not only that, but he had underestimated the joy of being able to see her everyday. Even the sight of her still lingering weakness and growing stomach did not diminish that happiness. Onus wished it could stay like this. Wished that she would somehow decide to stay with him. Not necessarily forever, but at least until the litter was born. Even though he had gained permission from the alphess of Dahlia to come to the lands to see her and be with her, he wished that she would stay. Though he did not dread the approach of her leaving his constant protection as much as he had now that he knew he would not be barred from her. For that had been his greatest fear, thinking he would be made to keep away from her now in this time when she needed him. Thankfully that no longer haunted his waking thoughts.

The coyote had become a better hunter since having her here as well. He had become more proficient at capturing a good number of game. He had always been a slim eater, someone such as him could not afford indulgence in any area, and so had only ever caught what he needed, which was little. Also, true to the nature of his species, he was a scavenger. Only hunting when there was nothing else to find. It was perhaps a small skill, easy to improve, but that improvement made him feel more prepared for what lay ahead. True, her pack would provide for her and her young, but knowing that he could provide for her and them as well was a comfort. A comfort he hardly took for granted.

Onus had felt her weight shift on the bed, but he had not moved to get up or sit. It was obvious she had not woken from a nightmare or any such thing. He knew the comforts of quiet and solitude all too well, and therefore was content to grant her some of that, even if they both knew she was not alone. He did some of his best thinking when he felt he was alone and at peace, and he had no doubt that his love was the same way. And so he laid there quietly, wondering to himself what it was that ran through her mind as she sat there upon the bed that they had shared for many days. That bed that he knew he would never truly find comfortable anymore unless she were on it beside him.

The man had known this was coming, but it didn't make it any easier to face. He had known that soon she would feel the need to return to that place that she called home, but he had allowed himself to hope that perhaps she would stay longer. He lay there in silence a few moments longer before rolling over to face her, a sigh escaping past his lips. "If you feel that is what is best. Though you know that you will always be welcome here, no matter your condition." His words were strong, letting her know that the last thing he considered her to be was a burden. "But if you must go then I am going with you. I won't have you making the trek back by yourself." Onus' hand reached out to lovingly caress her arm.


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