everyone must find a place
        The expression in the dark on the she-wolf's face, illuminated by the stars above was that of a serene peacefulness Jael wasn't quite sure he understood. He'd never seen someone simply howl their heart out to the sky and become so content, and so he couldn't comprehend the source of her bliss. It wasn't long before she became aware of him standing there--or perhaps she'd been aware the entire time and had finally taken this particular moment to regard him properly. "I guess," he replied, never having been one to consider shadow and stars pretty. Jael was a creature who did observe the world around him, taking in every detail, but he'd never spoken to another living creature about if before and found such conversation awkward and new. Emboldened by her friendly manner the young hybrid slunk from the shadows where he'd been lurking, moving toward the she-wolf in her clearing.
        Her voice held a note different than any he'd ever heard before, but so many spoke differently, even in the same family, that he thought nothing of it. "I'm Jael," he offered quietly, almost shyly as he paused near the wolfess, turning his head toward the stars from the far superior vantage point of the clearing. "You can see better from here," the pale youth stated dumbly, turning back to the strange female. An obvious comment, but he was struggling for something to say to an absolute stranger who'd chosen to speak with him in a manner not quite aggressive and on edge, but rather calm and inviting. He looked away again, turning fiery eyes to the trees, unsure yet how to act around the woman.

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