The sea giveth and taketh
Zana hasn't realized that one of her clan mates had come upon the scene as she was busy hacking away at the dead beast. She bared her little fangs to the male below as she grinned down at him, barely missing hitting him with a slab of the whale's flesh as she called down. "I'm going to make better weapons.." she said, as thought it was that simple. She didn't even stop to think that the male might not even know what she was talking about or even consider that it was possibly to use part of the whale for anything but eating. It had taken her a while to hack into the beast's side but she soon found the base of one of the ribs though she knew it would be a long time before she was able to actually get the bones off the corpse. She frowned, realizing that she hadn't really imagined just how long it might take her to attempt to do this.

Sighing to herself she abandoned her chore for a moment and slide down the side of the whale and approached the male, knowing that the scent of the beast must be a little bit awful on her fur. She grinned evilly as she asked. "What do you wanna know?" Her small voice nearly drown from the area by the call of the birds and the rush of the waves about them. She smiled and played at the knife as she waited to see what he had to say.

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