cry me a river
When Leroy didn't go on about his relationship with Svara she stayed quiet as well there was no reason to beat the dead dog. She just turned to look at him when he laughed but just shook her head. She didn't know what was going on in his mind but she was afraid she didn't want to know either. Smiling slightly at the male she went back to trying to finish the rope ladder, no clue at how twisted and crazy the ideas in his mind were at this moment. She was quietly working on the rope as he went on about the idea of them climbing down. She smirked at his answer and raised a brow. "So there's no convincing you to turn back?" she asked in a teasing voice.

When he gave her the information on how far the tide was from the entrance to the cave below she smiled a grim little smile and quickly went to work to finish up the last of the rope ladder, knowing that if they didn't hurry they would miss their chance today to go down below. She let her eyes glance to the male as she worked on the last few knots, a trade she'd learn onboard the ships and actually hadn't lost in time. She gave a swift tug to the last knot and grinned over at Leroy. "You ready boy? Because I'll leave you behind if you're not.." she threatened as she threw the ladder towards Leroy and got up to stretch out finally, having spent a long day up on the cliffside.

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