Return of innocence
267 words, sorry for short D:

The other boy had pretty cool colored eyes. They were purple-ish, which wasn't something Ares had ever really seen before. A smile split the older's boy face as the younger one asked if he wanted to be friends. Ares had read a lot of books; that wasn't really the way adults made friends, and he was basically an adult now. Nine months? Yeah, adult. Besides, he had an adult rank in the pack he was in. He was a Basic Officer. But in some of the books he had read, children would ask questions like that. And what the hell, Ares could use a friend. Even if this wasn't the way you were supposed to do it. He still felt overly-apologetic about his initial attitude, too, and wanted to make it up to the other boy.

"Yeah, sure kid. My name's Ares Chance. What's yours, friend?" The next statement sorta surprised the mottled gray adolescent. A baby fox? Ares' mind flitted back towards picture books of animals he had read. He'd never really ran into many foxes, maybe encountered one or two in his time in the area. There hadn't been many in the area he was born. Or maybe they just weren't around, cause of the winter weather? Whatever, it didn't matter. But.. no teeth. Now, that was weird. The boy in front of him did not look anything like the sort of wolf that would be able to be so cruel to a little baby fox. So of course, the next natural question was: "Oh wow, how'd he lose his teeth? Does he have a name?"

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