I remember yesterday
"Yeah...I bet he could." Ty said as he stared at the ground with a chuckle. He knew Jefferson was a tough old bird, with plenty of life still left in him, but he was still a cripple, and slowing. Jeff was Ty's mentor, his teacher, his trusted leader, and he respected him as such. But as he was now, an angry old man, and Ty had begun to show pity, pity that Jeff was slowly becoming overall untrusting and tense with others, and Ty knew that if that attitude was going to be kept up, he'd make a lot more enemies then friends, and then where would the pack be?

But it wasn't about Jeff right now, it was here he would see his father. And when his old man said 'that's my boy' his tail wagged with imminent excitement, glee and joy filled his heart to hear his dad proud of him. He aspired to please his father, and to hear that he did coldn't make him happier. He smiled to his old man, then spoke again. "Well...it was good to see you dad, but I have to go meet other people in this pack, I want to see what Pheonix Valley is like nowadays." He turned as he made another glance. "I'll see you around, okay? Call me if you ever need help."

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