the call of constellations

Yes we will!

Hemming basked in the diffuse warmth of the night. As he stared up at the stars, he imagined that he could feel their warmth. He imagined that he was a creature, perhaps something even more odd than the creatures that had lived on Earth millions of years ago, that was orbiting some other sun, and could in fact feel the warmth of a body that was only a tiny point of light to the life on the planet the wolves inhabited. What a strange universe it was, and what a thing to ponder.

The question had certainly made the other think, and for just a moment Hemming let his eyes rest on her, noticing the way the wonder made the muscles in her face move. He smiled softly as she nodded, and could almost see the starry sky reflected in her red eyes. She was obviously someone who was not taken with talking, but in this moment it didn't really seem to matter. The constellations above them did not hiss with the fusion of atoms, or snap as flares of energy tried to escape their surface. From so far away, everything but their image was rendered imaginary. Perhaps Hemming was viewing this white coyote, a rare sight indeed, from too far away to hear her speak. Sometimes it required getting closer to really understand what made someone tick, to really hear the words they were saying and the things they truly meant.

Looking back to the sky, at Draco and Polaris and all the stars that surrounded them, Hemming remained silent. Words were really not needed to enjoy and share the splendour of worlds so far away.


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