learning how to travel in time
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wotd: Affray. 390 words.

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Keeping close to him as he stood, on the off and unlikely chance that he might decide to run away and leave her completely alone (which certainly wouldn’t do, as she did not enjoy being alone in her own pack lands, let alone a strange little human place), Princess followed his eyes in the direction of the little blue house. It was a very pretty color, and it seemed nice enough, as far as houses went. She did wonder if anyone lived there, or what the chances of that were. Thus far, she had not seen anyone but Hemming out here, but that did not mean that no one ever came here, or that no one lived here. Probably there were the occasional ones who decided not to live in a pack, but instead wanted to live alone and away from everyone else, in old human dwellings. If someone lived in that little blue house, then an affray could possibly break out, and someone could easily get hurt. The girl did not want anything like that to happen. How would she explain it to Tokyo?

“Okay. . . That one looks good. But,” she added, deciding to voice the very little bit of apprehension she was feeling, “you don’t think anyone lives in that house, do you? I would very much hate to just walk right into someone’s home univited.” That. . . Was a big-fat, ridiculous, completely absurd lie. Normally, Princess had absolutely no regard for personal space, and frequently helped herself to anything she came across. Tokyo had never taught her the value of earning your own things, and had certainly never told her that stealing was wrong. Worry over trespassing was purely a front for Hemming, so that he would not think her too afraid to enter the strange building. Princess Chance was not going to be thought of as a scared little kid, no matter what. Without looking at Hemming again, she walked briskly to the door of the house, observing it silently for a moment before resting her hand on the awkward door knob. Turning, she cocked her head at the older male, twisting the knob back and forth in her hand loudly. “I’ll open the door, but you go in first, okay?” It was a compromise of sorts. Yes, that is what it was.


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