sometimes, the sun shines

Didn't see that you'd replied, lame.

Feeling was something he had tried to leave behind as well, but since that, he had also learned that it didn't help to cut anything away. It didn't help to ignore or forget or pretend that nothing ever was or had been. And he had realized a thousand times before that the simple answer was to accept it and move on, but knowing something never made it any easier and he had continued to shy away from the facts because it was the easy thing to do. And he still did it, knowing full well that it wasn't helping and sometimes even made things worse. In theory, accepting that nothing would ever get better would kill his expectations indefinitely, but it hadn't made him immune to anything.

He took the cigarette and lit it, squeezing the flaming head of the match between his fingers to kill the fire. The quick burn was worth the warmth. His and the demon's blood were the same, but he couldn't argue that without accepting the fact that he was the father after all. I know, he conceding, expelling two lungs' worth of smoke into the already grey winter air. But how do you tell someone that yes, it's true you never wanted them in the first place? The hybrid shrugged to himself, But I guess if she already hates me then I've got nothing else to lose.


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