to rest my head
ooc- see if Xeris is gonna reply next..

Miriette couldn't help that her mood was a little better today, though she was still far from being perfectly happy. Her eyes moved from the form of Ty to the hammock and back again before she finally sighed and just shook her head. "I thinks eet fine." She said, the hammock didn't look like it had received any lasting damage, and if it had she did know how to sew. She turned her eyes back to Ty as he asked a question and she frowned. "I don't thinks help es neededs, no?" She wasn't for certain but as far as she knew they didn't need any help.

She smiled slightly though as she gave in. "But I don't thinks it wrong if you wants stay." She wasn't going to make him leave just because he upset her hammock. She was the one silly enough to have put the things up in the middle of a game trail without noticing. Mighty silly of her.

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