I forget; you don't expect an easy answer
It took a moment for the whole story to sink in. The wolfess came and went, she lost her mind occasionally, and left those she had once loved and formed attachments with in the dust, only to do the same over again. She remembered Iskata as Melisande had once known her. The femme had made her a necklace before, hadn't she? She still had it somewhere. That was a long time ago. Phoenix had made their family sound so secure and happy, like she loved being with her pups, and wouldn't leave them for the world. Melisande didn't know what to think of that.

But, being an eternally forgiving and understanding person, she couldn't quite bring herself to take a side against Iskata without hearing the other side. But then, Naniko wasn't asking for that. Truly, she sounded more worried than anything else, although there was a sort of bitterness there too. "I'm sure she has her reasons for doing things the way she does..." She couldn't find any other words to say, any other comforts. She nodded at the thought of alcohol. "Mmm, alcohol? I've never had any, to tell you the truth." She laughed a little, thinking of how nieve that made her sound.

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