the history books forgot about us - p
She was surprised to feel his fingers slip around her wrists. She blinked her eyes as the soft light the of lightning bugs surrounded them. She let her hands fall away from her face, passive and submissive as he pulled them away from her face. And he was looking at her again, his gaze reflecting the questions, both spoken and unspoken, that hung between them. He was mystified, as lost to a sea of confusion, just as she was lost to him. Geneva found that she couldn't pull her eyes from his face. There was a strange light in his emerald gaze, something that attracted all of her attention.

She swallowed the tightness in her throat and found it difficult to breathe for a moment. She felt as though she was positioned at the edge of precipice, a sheer cliff into a void, a dark chasm of the unknown. But he wasn't pushing her over the edge. The gentle pressure on her wrists wasn't demanding. She found that she was willing to take the plunge, willing to try, willing to risk the embarrassment, the hurt that might come of this. There was something about the way he looked at her now that made her believe that this was the time.

But she did not know where to begin. She didn't have the words. She hadn't rehearsed something to say to him. She hadn't even dared to envision that this meeting might ever take place. Geneva had intended to hide from this part of her heart, but here she was, so clearly faced with the choice. She let her mind wander over all the times they had ever talked, the first time she had met him. And as she relived those scenes, emotions washed over her face.

"I notice the way your voice changes," Geneva said, her voice soft, the thread of a whisper that gained a small amount of soul and volume with each word. "I notice the way your face changes, when you talk to me, or someone else...when you talk about different things." She shook her head. "I see how hard you fight yourself, even when I don't know why you do. I see how tired you are because of it."

She turned her hands over and placed her fingers lightly over his wrists, wrapping her hands gently around his wrists, so she held him the way he held her. "I can tell you all the times I've seen you smile...really smile." She smiled now, a small smile playing on her face. Her expression was soft, eager, nervous, earnest. A thread of strength wove its way through her voice as she spoke again. "You are the most frustrating creature I have ever met. You're callous and sarcastic, and sometimes you are such an idiot. Talking to you gives me a headache. You are so goddamned mercurial. And Jefferson..." She stopped, her brows furrowing as she looked at him. She let her lime green eyes meet his single emerald eye. "Jefferson, I love you."

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