we think we live forever
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/libri/hakuban.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
300 I fail hi

The boy offered the man an insult, and Haku could only laugh at those words. The boy thought he knew him? What he was? All this merely because it was clear that Haku did not love his mother dearly. Once upon a time he had loved the snow kissed woman endlessly and unconditionally, but then the taint had sprung out with its dark flowers and revealed to him that it had all been her fault. It was a pity though, if that was how the boy saw it. Haku was not at all aware of the young boy’s conflicted and confused mind. Colibri Soul had did her best to create love in her home and cherish her family, but had fallen hard and brutally when everything shattered like glass. Maybe there was truth in the youth’s words. Haku never tried to analyze himself. He just went along with that tempting current and followed the voices in his head. He was beyond any rescue, but there were other individuals related to both of the present brutes that could turn the Inferni member’s opinion around.

”Maybe not, though, since not even our mother wanted you then I think Inferni would have been the only solution anyway.” The chocolate secui fell silent for a moment, wondering if Gabriel was aware of this magnificent irony. The rude boy was related to both Gabe and himself, and so he found it rather amusing. Not that family ties should matter much anyway, but Gabriel truly longed for Haku’s death. Did the Inferni leader’s hatred stretch out towards the rest of Haku’s family as well? Because Haku was what he was; he hoped so. What would Mew think of this individual? Family actually seemed to mean a damn to her, but her hatred for Inferni was far from invisible. If Colibri Soul was nowhere to be found within these lands, then that should be it, really. He did not want to know this half sibling, and by now he doubted the other would freely give away more information about himself and if there were more.


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