waiting and fading and floating away
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... t/rath.jpg); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:9px; padding-left:50px; padding-right:50px; padding-bottom:306px;">
OOC: Sorry for the delay. I've been really busy lately -_-.

IC:Dampness, he never enjoyed the feeling of his shaggy fur being damp, but unfortunately he would just have to deal with it for now. The ruddy hued, white-flecked male was unsure as to why he had ventured so far from his home, workplace, and now even his packlands to this strange land. He had seen the large buildings of the city numerous times from a distance, but he had never decided to venture forth to explore the streets and buildings. Even now he was only one the outskirts, filled mostly with residential homes homes and smaller, concrete sided buildings that his carpenter's mind rejected as sick representations of architecture. While he did marvel at the human's ingenuity at being able to build such huge structures out of stone, and metal, he could not quite grasp the idea of just how they did it. Steel framed buildings were not his forte, although, come to think of it he had only just begun to work on woodframed structures so the were not his forte either.

___ The male shook his head, his kinky ponytail swishing back and forth as he vigorously tried to change the subject of his thoughts. He had not come here to try and understand modern city construction. No, he had come here to gather windows. He only needed a few more, big ones to make up the sides of Colibri's greenhouse. He had finished the frame during the past week. Although, the entire time he had been working, right next to Colibri's house, he had not seen hide nor hair of the timid female. Was she avoiding him? Had he said something at their last meeting to offend her. It certainly hadn't seemed so. In fact, he thought she had enjoyed spending the entire day conversing with him. He certainly had. It was all very confusing, as the tall, 7'3" male thought as he wandered around a corner to the edge of the nearest apartment building, completely oblivious to the lingering scent of another individual close by. Instead, he reached down to the tool belt around his waste, the only article of any sort of clothing that the male wore, and he only wore it for convenience. With the belt, he was able to carry all of the tools he would need, while keeping his hands free to work. One might think it an odd sight to see a shaggy wolf wearing nothing but a fully packed tool belt. However, Rath wasn't the least bit concerned of what others might think. For all he knew at the moment, there was no one around to see him. So, with that, he pulled out his small sledge hammer and a chizel, beginning to hammer away at the wall of the apartment building. The window he was after was a large picture window about 6 feet in length and three feet in width. He would be perfect for one of the side walls of Coli's greenhouse, if he could get it there in one piece. Right now, however, he was simply focused on exposing the framing for the window. If he could remove it while it was still in its frame, it would make the task of carrying it back to the worksite much easier.



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