The strangeness of a face
        She laughed outright at his response, mocking him and the clan he was a part of. His muzzle wrinkled in distaste, lip curling back over snow-white fangs. The scent of the pack Haku had obviously belonged to clung to this she-wolf's coat as well, though he'd yet to learn the name of this particular group. Had he known it was Dahlia de Mai he may of laughed, for what Gabriel had told him still rang in his ears, remembering the stated tension between the man called Soul and his uncle. But proper information had never been passed, and so Jael couldn't put two and two together about this woman and her identity. He may of figured out himself that they both shared a mother otherwise.
        "So you come to me with aggression, insulting my pack and family, yet you don't even know me," Jael finally said, voice like ice on the edges of a frozen pond. He could assume she had past grievances with Inferni, but that gave her no right to categorize them all the same because of a few individuals. Jael was nothing like his father, for instance, yet he had no shame in residing within the coyote clan. "What have I ever done to you?" he asked, tired of all of the ignorance. His brother was naive. His father a fool and a liar. Jael was simply tired of it all.

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