sail me on a silver sun
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Rain, it was quite the enjoyable weather condition, or so thought the shaggy Dahlian brute. With his tools hanging from his belt and several long planks of wood held over his shoulder, the ruddy hued male looked like quite the interesting individual. His unruly hair, thankfully still held in a ponytail by an old piece of twine he had found, was not as kinky as usual thanks to how soaked it was with the falling sky water. One would think that a male with such thick, shaggy fur would disdain the rain as an inconvenience. It was true that it did always take awhile for him to dry off, but he looked forward to going home and starting a fire in the small fireplace within his home and lying down in front of it in his four legged form. However, that would have to wait until later. For now he was on an errand. He could not make any progress on Colibri's greenhouse today, but he could at least drop off some wood. He could stack it on Coli's porch, beneath the shelter of the roof. He hoped she wouldn't mind. To be perfectly honest, he hadn't seen her the entire time he had been constructing her greenhouse. For the first few days it hadn't bothered him as he figured she had likely gone somewhere else to avoid the noise associated with construction, but when he had not seen her for even longer after that he had begun to worry. Where had the shy female gone? The gooseberry green eyed werewolf couldn't help but wonder.

As the towering, muscular male crested the small hill that stood before Colibri's house, his gooseberry hued gaze fell upon another individual inspecting his construction site. That seemed to be a perfectly logical thing to do, after all a greenhouse was not something one would see everyday in these lands. What seemed strange to the ruddy hued male was the bird sitting contentedly atop the male's head. What bond did this werewolf possess with that bird that would make it trust him enough to sit atop his head comfortably? This Rath could not figure out.

Normally the timid male would not have called out to a stranger, but the fact that this male seemed so interested with his work made an ounce of pride well up within him. "Hallo!" his tenor voice boomed as he waved his free right arm in greeting and he made his way down the hill, his left arm still wrapped tightly around the heavy, long planks of wood that rested on his shoulder. Hopefully Rath would not startle this stranger. After all, conversing with someone new would be an enjoyable experience on this gray day.


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