The sea giveth and taketh
        Nimbly stepping aside to dodge a hunk of flying whale meat headed for his face, Jael again peered up at the tiny girl. She looked a lot younger than she was from her size and small features, but Jael himself was in a similar situation though he didn't yet realize it. Build smaller than he was supposed to be at his age--growth stunted by lack of nutrition, he was thinner and frailer than nature dictated, but not nearly as severely as was for this girl. "I see," he replied, curious by her determination and bizarre source for new weapons. Jael knew of home-made weapons carved from bone and stone, but from the corpse of a decaying whale? It seemed strange even to him.
        Quickly, she grew temporarily tired of the task and slide down the animal's side to stand near the pale boy, reeking of rot as she did so. He wrinkled his muzzle faintly, sliding his ears back for just a moment before disregarding the unfavorable stench that lingered on her coat. "Just curious," he replied idly, turning his gaze back to the great monster beside them. "You aim high in your ambitions, huh?" he asked lightly, smiling just faintly as he looked back to the small girl.

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