Monster at your door
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As she sat in the tree Svara thought about everything that had happend thus far to make her who she was. A father who liked her to the extent to have sex with her. A pack that hated her becuase she could never fit in. Finally an enemy, and now she had her own home and family. All of it happening in such a short time. Leaning back on the trees branches she let her leg hang down, her red hair pulled up out of her eyes. Svara saw the adnois before she had her pretty white eyes on her.

By the time she had noticed her location the tall red she wolf was crouched down before her rising to a standing posistion. The constable felt no concern when seeing the womens weapon lifted at her. As a healer it wasn't hard to find imperfections, a wounded leg, and pregnant. Svara couldn't say anything as she stared down at the Adonis belly. How could Cwmfen be.....pregnant? Letting the thought drop Svara was quick to let her gaze go back to the black she wolfs face. The women was snarling at her, like a child really. Had the hormones already broke her wall like composure?

No emotion crossed Svara's face, only her yellow eyes showed her anger. "I knew it would get your attention. Since I am pretty close to your den." Svara said dully, she had lived there or sometime. "Put your bloody weapon down. It's obvious that I'm next to harmless." Svara muttered her lips pursing in irritation. "I'm here because I figured your lillium knew he was unwelcome at Cour Des Miracles." The she wolf didn't change her additude any, even though she wondered how many lives she would destroy if she set this land a blaze. Not that she would, if would take some really bad situation to push her to such an extreme.

"What happened between me and Haku is between me and him. Frankly I really don't blame him for what he did. Even so he is not welcome on our lands, and he was so kind to interigate one of my blind pack members for information. Didn't think he was that immature, but you learn something new everyday. The constable stated, while scratching her ear a bored look on her face. Looking over to Cwmfen again her eyes went to the womens stomach. "So...when ya gonna have mini ones?" Interest was in her voice, not that she could help it.


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