Christmas in July 2009
__Character Name: Gabriel de le Poer
__Character Species: Hybrid. He looks like a German Shepherd.
__Character Gender: Male
__Character Age: Almost 4
__Scars: One notable one across his muzzle. Requiem also did a pretty awesome depiction of it [html]here[/html].
__Example Pictures: Check his profile and such. :]
__Character Description: Gabriel loves God, sets fire, and is totally in charge of Inferni. Check his Wiki.
__Text: None.

__Table Size Preference: 300-400px
__Color Scheme: Warm colors. I like easy to read and clean, usually using #9b590d for the speech color. I'd be super happy with a white background and black text, though.
__Mood: It really depends. Gabriel is a weirdo.
__Lyrics: Tool is the way to go.

__Other: As long as it matches it's awesome.

__Best Way to Contact you: PM me.

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