sail me on a silver sun


Hemming stopped his tentative advance when he was a meter or so away from the strange structure. Letting his eyes trace along the panes of glass and the wooden beams, he wondered what it could possibly be. He took a few steps sideways to get a look from another perspective, and concluded that it didn't seem to be something the humans had left behind; though many of the pieces seemed to be old and must have been constructed by the humans, they were of varying wear and tear, no matter how subtly. The heavy rain and the lack of any familiar landmarks or smells made the moment, and indeed the partly finished structure before him, seem rather surreal to the gray wolf. It was certainly well constructed, but by whom? He peered for a few moments more, some of which Dagrun popped an eye open for, wondering why they had stopped.


The rain seemed to create a curtain around the wolf and the little bird, forming an enclosed world that consisted only of the odd structure, the two creatures, and a lot of water. Mostly for this reason, Hemming jumped a little as a voice rolled through the rain and into his little world. It was certainly a friendly voice, though, and he looked up quickly, a small smile on his face. A wide grin grew when he saw that the approaching wolf had planks of wood across his shoulder, and was likely the builder. Perhaps he would be so kind as to explain the purpose of his project.


Lifting his hand in the air to wave, he called back, "Hi!" Gesturing to the structure with a slight nod of his chin, he added, "Is this yours?" Hemming's smile remained on his face and he stood relaxed, as if the rain water was soaking into his muscles and smoothing them. The strong wolf seemed to be quite comfortable carrying the long pieces of wood, and already Hemming was feeling that it was quite natural he should be doing so.


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