the call of constellations

The thoughts that crossed her mind were changing, what if there was someone else looking up at these exact same stars, or different ones in another solar system wondering the exact same thing as the two that were laying there were. This is what she liked, just laying in silence. Although, there was not much of a choice for her because she had no choice but to remain silent. But, at least there was not someone barraging her with words and accusing her of ignoring them even though it was very obvious she was not trying to be rude. They just were not used to wolves who could not talk due to the fact that's all everyone did now.

All of a sudden she felt extremely tired. Maybe it was because of all the talk of other worlds with other beings living on it that made her mind reel. Then there was the fact that she felt completely at rest in the company of this male that she finally put down that guard that took so much strength to keep up. Whatever it was, it did not stop her from opening her muzzle and letting out a soft yawn before closing it and blushing a bit. No, she did not find the male boring, it was just late, especially after being up quite early in the morning. Midnight had been one to walk at late hours, but lately it had not been that way unfortunately.

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