The sea giveth and taketh
Zana was not a patient creature and though she knew in time that the corpse would rot, be eaten and the bones left to bask in the sun, the only reminder of the great beast of the sea.. she still wanted to mold this idea now and tomorrow would not do! The small girl peered at the male as she wiped off her knife as he spoke. She had no clue what in the world this boy wanted with her but she could tell he smelled of Inferni though his body's frame screamed wolf. She narrowed her eyes as she carefully put the knife back where it belonged before she began to groom out the grit and grime from her pelt.

When he commented on her ambitions Zana couldn't help but glare at him, assuming that the remark had been a mark on her size and not the beast she sought to conquer this day. "What's that suppose to mean?" she asked as she ruffled her pelt, wondering if he was here to pick on her. "What have you ever done?" She didn't even know who in the hell this male was.

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