Out Wandering
Xeris couldn't help but giggle at Rendall's comment to Anya. Thinking about it for a moment, she supposed that Ty and Anya would make a cute couple. But then again, it wasn't her decision whether or not they fell in love or not. She watched as Rendall stalked a grasshopper; obviously the pup had been doing lots of hunting practice. Someday, Xeris thought, Rendall's going to grow up to be a really good hunter, I bet..

The white wolf fidgeted a little when Anya brought up the idea of Luperci Verto. Ty seemed to think that the Luperci traits were generally transferred by intimate contact. "Well..." Xeris said rather quietly. "I became a Luperci when I was attacked by another Luperci. The wounds...have to be pretty bad in order to transfer the characteristics, though..." She trailed off a little, still rather uncomfortable with the thought of her past but didn't want to seem too cowardly to talk about it.

She also noticed that Anya appeared to be feeling rather uncomfortable. It was understandable, as she was new here and had just met so many others. Xeris hoped that the silver wolf would get used to their presence and stay good friends with everyone.

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