Christmas in July 2009
My self-consciousness about my graphics has finally given way to my greed to have someone make something pretty for me, so I think I'll enter. XDD;

& Character Name: Tokyo Chance
& Character Gender: female
& Character Age: nearly 4 years
& Example Pictures:
& Character Description: generally darker on the back, lighter towards the belly, and a dark smudge of black on her nose. ice-blue eyes,
& Text: first name or nothing, up to you

& Table Size Preference: 375-425
& Color Scheme: I like a combination of a bright, neon like color with a darker/softer one, like super bright yellow with black, super bright ice blue with pale blue, etc.
& Mood: slightly antagonistic, bitchy,
& Lyrics: (Ani DiFranco, Shameless)
& Picture you would like used: i like random chaos / destruction pictures for tokyo, can be a bit surreal looking if you want that's fine
& Other: i would prefer if the table is not scrolly, thanks Big Grin

& Text or Image?: Text, if there's a relevant small image you want to throw in it's fine
& Lyrics/Words: Another selection from the given table lyrics
& Picture you would like used: Nope
& Other: I like these on the small-ish size, about the size of my current one ^^;

Best Way to Contact you: (E-Mail or Over the board PMs, so that the set Info can be sent.
& PMs work great

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