These killing lights won't kill us all again
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Haven wasn't at all self conscious about talking to Drogon. Sure, some probably thought it was strange of him to talk to an animal that couldn't understand what he was saying, but to hell with them. Besides he had a feeling the mustang understood more than some would give him credit for. He was far from some dumb animal. Look at how he already knew that Haven brought him apples in his knapsack. No dumb animal at all. He caught Heath's soft and short laughter, but he had a feeling that hybrid wasn't actually laughing at him. Even if he had been, the kid would have paid it no mind. It didn't matter what others thought.

The Knight chuckled at Heath's reply, but his returned smile was soft. "You'd be surprised." For all of the gloved male's tough exterior, he knew there was more underneath. It was hard to see, especially if you didn't want to see past the cocky mask, but Haven had come to believe that it was indeed there. Heath wasn't nearly as bad as he wanted others to think he was and if only he could put down that act, then maybe he could find someplace that he belonged. Already the gears were turning in the Aatte's head and he knew that the scrawny hybrid would fit in here just fine. But that was something the other needed to discover for himself.

Though the smile was quickly wiped from his face and replaced by a more serious look. His father. For a moment those jade eyes darkened. "What did you do?" The last time they had met up they had talked about the subject of what each would do when and if they ever found the men who had sired him. He wondered what Heath had really done, though already it didn't sound like anyone had been killed, no matter how much they may have deserved it. "Looking for me?" Haven was honestly a little surprised at that. "Until recently all you would have had to do was to go back to that bar," he said with a hint of bitterness behind his voice. "Oh yeah? Who've you met? If it's Svara I apologize in advance." The crooked grin was back on his face.


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