i will battle for the sun.
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_columbus.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
No worries, I haven't slept in a while and I expect this reply will suck. xD

    There was something in every creature that screamed out for recognition, desperately pleading to be remembered in a world where their lives were all too brief. Each creature had but a short time to carve his or her name into history, and Kaena had chosen to carve hers in the flesh of others, naturally. The hybrid canine generally brought terror and destruction in her wake, sometimes intentionally and often unintended—but trouble had branded her and it followed her like a persistent black cloud, lingering over her ashen form at all times.

    The name de le Poer in and of itself was a thing of power. Ahren had been something faintly magical, Kaena had realized—born of Chimeran royalty and a crazed cult leader, his existence and the existence of his children were no accident. No other wolf family name could subdue the ashen hybrid into respectful wariness quite like de le Poer. She didn't trust the wolves of that clan, no, but she respected them enough to forego hostility when presented with one. She knew them by their red eyes, but she did not know that those flaring crimson eyes were a flaw of the family, and that the truer color of de le Poer was something like a light blue.

    The coyote herself had no idea what in the hell a hyena was, though if she was presented with an image and a name she would be able to correctly identify it. Unfortunately, Serwa was the only hyena—in life or in an image—that Kaena had ever seen, and so her heritage was a mystery to the gray elder. The hybrid had only known that she was a threat wandering on Inferni's soil, and Kaena had done what she did best—that is, chase her off brutally and quickly. Not surprisingly, accompanying her talk of free earth and other such ideals which amounted to hippie bullshit in the Lykoi woman's eyes, Serwa hadn't been much of a fighter, and she was quickly dispatched.

    The young hybrid on the ashen hybrid's story, and Kaena leaned back against the porch, watching Halo's eyes flicker around her tattoo. The hybrid smiled at her words, and abruptly sat up, struck with a thought. Her brilliant sunny eye was illuminated from the inside, burning with an idea. "I think you need a Chaos Star," she said, excitement building in her gravelly voice. She remembered giving Razekiel his on his ninth month, etching the symbol of their family into his skin forever. It proclaimed him a Lykoi as clearly as anything, and Halo might like to solidify her dedication to her clan and prove to any of her dissenters that she was truly loyal to the coyote clan.


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