I feel like everything I sow is being swept away

.... The male was kneeling before her, showing her due respect and then some. It had been a long time since Cercelee had been shown so sincerely such submission, and the petite female, who was surely no match for the male before her had they fought, received it very gracefully. Although the majority of travelers that swept through Dahlia de Mai were either enemies or idiots who did not, or friends who were not required, to show such submission, Cercelee had not forgotten her manners in responding to such a display. There was no out right comment or gesture to make the male feel uncomfortable, nor did she ignore the offering of himself. Very subtly, but with meaning, did she bow her head slightly to him, to acknowledge his own position in coming to her and to grant him permission to rise before him.

.... His name did not ring any bells immediately, although Haku must have mentioned the male in passing, but the name that followed his own peaked the white lady’s interest immediately. It was only as he spoke that the story Haku had given Cer and the male before her matched up, but too far absorbed into the information that Onus now gave her was the Rosea to say anything about it. More important that a Lilium’s hurt pride was the life and well-being of her Adonis. The news of Cwmfen’s attack churned her stomach and Cercelee did not bother to hide the sorrow, disgust and myriad of other emotions from her face. She could tell from the respectful way he spoke, and more so the tone in his voice, that he would not hold this display of feelings against her. He felt similar ones.

.... So quickly did the bad news come, (when it rains, it pours), Cercelee barely felt relief at hearing the death of Corvus. Of course she was glad that Ril’o’s killer and Slay’s assaulter was no longer a threat, but it had come at a dear price it seemed. Yet Cwmfen was alive and healing and in the care of this male. For a long moment she let silence enclose them, regarding him. When she spoke it was not demanding or accusing, merely curious, she hoped the male took no offense at the wording of her inquiry. "Who are you to take such an interest in my Adonis?" Her voice softened as she came up with a even more important questions. "How badly is she hurt?"


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