looked up for validation, but i could not find it.
        His suspicion was confirmed along with the realization that more than being part wolf and part coyote, ingrained with inner turmoil from breed alone, he was half in a family that was simply arrogant wolves, known for killing their lesser cousins, and half in the family of vicious coyotes that fought back and destroyed. And it hadn't been by choice on the part of his mother, like some foolish romance in a decaying novel, but the result of a filthy, selfish act meant to shatter her soul. He and his siblings weren't even meant to be and should never of been, but rather exterminated at birth or beforehand through deadly herbs. He could run away and forget them all, joining some pack far, far away from here where either family name had never been heard of. Jael looked like a wolf and no one would deny him such heritage if he boasted it as such, but he didn't really want to.
        He didn't want to be alone in the world. He knew he could survive such a life and had when his siblings had abandon him, but he'd rather not if possible. Gabriel had allowed him into his clan simply because of heritage alone and that proved there at least should be some meaning in such ties, but not everything. He was forced to remember a father he'd rather forget because of blood alone and was reminded of his deeds every day living in the clan he spoke of so adoringly and had been exiled from. By his uncle's word he was a coyote, not a wolf, because of the choice he'd made and the path he'd chosen. He could look away from his appearance as long as he pretended to be a coyote. He nodded, eyes still lowered, not sure how to respond. He was disgusted at such torn ties between his blood and where he stood between them, having to pick one or the other, and never able to exist peacefully between.

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