just to watch them fly

Oh, don't worry a single bit! The bird is his Spirit Guide, and does show herself. :]


Hemming's amber eyes stayed fixed on the little butterfly as it swooped and fluttered, and he followed it slowly. It was easy to lose a sense of context when one's concentration was focused on such a tiny part of the world, and the wolf almost forgot about the grand hills that surrounded him, pondering instead the curious things about a butterfly. Like, why did they keep their wings erect above them when they stopped, rather than keep them down as did a moth? How could they maintain such an acrobatic lifestyle, what did they eat? How long did they live? Staying a few paces behind for fear of frightening the creature, Hemming tried to get as good a look at it as he could, admiring the gold and black pattern that adorned its wings.


Perhaps it was simply out of luck that an approaching figure caught his eye. He looked up at the smiling wolf and beamed back at her, standing in his place as she drew nearer, and chimed, "Hello!" Upon moving his attention from the butterfly and looking at his surroundings again, he realized how far he had wandered. None of the hills around him now looked familiar, and perhaps they had been the ones shimmering in the distance when he had first spotted the insect. It seemed almost surreal that there was another wolf near to him, the rest of the vast territory so seemingly empty.


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