I Know This Familiar Place
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... otable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The cream-coloured girl whimpered as she huddled closer to him. He hated to see the little one so afraid, but he knew that to calm her down he could only offer her warm words to let her know there was nothing to fear. She looked up at her uncle and asked him why the clouds were so angry. It was a good question. In truth he had no idea why the clouds made such noise during the storms. He simply accepted it as one of those great mysteries of nature and left it at that. But he knew a pup as curious as Amata wouldn’t be content with such an answer, so he did his best to explain it in any way the girl would find interesting. If he got to have a little fun by making a story out of it, all the better. He snuggled close to the shivering girl as he spoke. "Forse sembrano appena arrabbiato perché tutti nasconde quando provano di dividere la pioggia." Images of angry-faced rainclouds popped into his head.

Thunder sounded again in the distance, following shortly after its lightning companion. His niece still seemed shaken up by it, but less so than before. He nudged her affectionately with his muzzle in another show of reassurance. "Penso di sì," he murmured in response to her question. "Devono viaggiare molto lontano in modo che possono dividere la pioggia con tutti." The pup’s attention seemed to dart to other questions floating within her thoughts and she offered up two more for him to answer. His gaze wandered about the windmill, briefly examining the strange structure by flash of lightning. The male didn’t know what the structure was when he first laid eyes upon it, so he took it upon himself to do a little research within the books in the manor. He discovered his answer within a photography book with the caption "Windmill” beneath pictures of several similar structures. "Questo luogo è chiamato un mulino a vento. Gli esseri umani l'hanno costruito, appena ama tanto tempo fa il castello." Ehno still wasn’t exactly sure what the structure was for, but he hoped to discover the answer somewhere inside. "Ho deciso di avere una piccola avventura qui dentro, ma ho finito su addormentando." He laughed at his silly behavior.

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