a little more for me
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... table2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

That’s okay! I don’t mind at all! And this one will definitely be shorter than my last one, ^=^
Should we end this one here? You can post once more if you want—just PM me to let me know~

The pain must have been unbearable for the other woman. When the woad bound hands had touched her, urging her to relax, the other’s tension rose to her fingers, hardening against her touch in red and yellow chords. There were harsh whines, like silver wire, that slid along the air with jagged edges. The black warrior did not doubt that the wound was painful, but she thought that this female was not accustom to pain. The warrior’s face did not hold that usual tranquility, instead holding an impassive expression. The wounds were not mortal, but the way in which the tear had been made told the woman that Tokyo had either struggled or that Corvus had torn mercilessly into her. Perhaps both occurred. The woad marked female was only glad that the wound would heal without the perpetual hindrance of movement—no serious muscle had been completely destroyed. The healing process, of course, would be slow, but she would heal.

When the question came, the woman paused briefly, her white orbs looking up from her work. "He is here for his daughter," she said finally with that quiet melody. "For me." The black fae didn’t really have anything to hide. She may have been silent about many things, but she did not hide the reality from those around her. But the white orbs, for that moment, could not meet the other’s gaze. As warrior, had she not failed Tokyo? She had failed to protect her from her father. Tokyo had no stake in the crow wolf’s affairs. She had simply been present when the male had happened by. It frustrated the warrior that the Korean had been so close to her packlands, and it bothered her that he had managed to elude her when she had been seeking him, hunting for him throughout the lands. And yet, he had been here. And it was too close. But it would end soon. That much the warrior did know.

Silently, the woad warrior listened to the response that she was given as she ripped the last of the fabric that seemed to succumb to the will of her claws. Having placed the chewed herb upon the worst of the wound, the woman crudely but securely wrapped it, tying new strips where it was needed. She bound Tokyo’s body tightly, but not enough to cut off the circulation. When she was satisfied that the wound had been secured, warrior finally replied to those words. "That’s all I’m asking," the woman replied though unyielding tones of that melody indicated that she required such a thing, and she hoped that she could trust Tokyo to do that simple thing. "You’ll be fine," the warrior continued, indicating that she had done what she could for her packmate. She was not a healer, and she hoped that her simple work would suffice. "Drink as much as you can, and eat when you can." Rising fluidly, the woman took the bucket and placed it outside the den. Returning, she carefully lifted the wounded female, her strength enough to accomplish such a feat without greatly disturbing the wound. She moved the woman to where it appeared they slept and placed her gently upon it. "I’ll wait until Princess returns," the alto melody said with a light smile. "You can get some rest."


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