With eagle eyes

As the hare laid dead with the arrow sticking out from it, Talon wondered over to pick it up. He grabbed it tightly by the ears, lifting it up until was well in front of his chest. He pulled the arrow out, which the tip had the hares blood on. He slipped his tongue to have a little taste of the blood. When his tongue touched the blood soaked part of the arrow, he liked the sweetness, which his tongue could pick up on the blood.

Pulling a cloth out, he wiped the blood of the arrow before placing it back in the quiver. He was pleased with his catch of the day. He gripped the ears of the dead hare tightly as he turned to move again. He paused when he heard a complimentary voice that came from behind. He turned to find a canine/wolf mix standing there. Talon bowed as he introduced himself. "Hello. I'm Talon Gallu. You are?"


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