Like a hell-broth boil and bubble
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Ebony hands never stopped moving. Lillith would grab a handful of sand only to let it trickle through her fingers, and then she’d repeat the process over and over again. Every so often, she’d change her mind and absent-mindedly carve shapes and symbols on the beach. Most hieroglyphics stemmed from her dreams; she did not understand them and never would, for they were the product of a possessed mind. Her thoughts were someone else’s property. At times, even her voice sounded different; much deeper than her own, paired with an indescribable echo. Perhaps, just perhaps, it was all part of her imagination. Many accused her of being insane and in return, she silently cursed them.

His reply was an affirmation she’d heard one too many times. She was unfazed by the sudden turn in conversation and merely shrugged, mirroring his nonchalance. “Really?” she said, pivoting her body in order to face him properly. While his gaze was riveted to the sunset, hers took in every aspect of his body; especially the features that made him seem more wolf than coyote. Smiling almost sheepishly, Lillith continued with a second question. “And hybrids? What about them? Her statement had been purely out of curiosity and was in no way meant was a threat. It was her turn to test the waters, to evaluate his personality.

He’d done a good job keeping her entertained thus far. The ashen femme found herself wanting to know more about him; most particularly his identity. “What’s your name?” It shouldn’t have mattered what his name was and yet, here she was, asking for it.


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