I Know This Familiar Place
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The young girl wiggled about with the overflowing energy that pups always seemed to have. She loudly proclaimed her dislike of the noisy clouds, and while a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth at her outburst, he couldn’t help but agree with her. Ehno had become accustomed to the almost constant rainfall in these lands, so the rain hardly seemed to bother him much anymore. The lightning and the thunder he could do without, simply because of a dislike of the loud noises rather than the fear of them his young niece seemed to hold. The girl finally settled in front of him, resting her head upon his leg as she offered him another question. He thought about it for a moment before saying, "Forse sono appena un po'solitari." The clouds were always on the move, never staying in one place long enough to befriend the creatures on the earth below. Constant wandering was enough to make anyone at least a little lonely. He had a years worth of experience to back that up.

Amata’s attention drifted to the windmill for a moment and Ehno followed her gaze around the old place in equal curiosity. Here he was within the strange structure and he still had no idea what it could have possibly been for. Though he had to admit that was his own fault; falling asleep in here was hardly a way to have his questions answered. The cream-coloured girl flipped over and commented on the humans’ odd construction habits, bursting into a fit of giggles. The uncle couldn’t help but laugh along with her. "Loro sicuro ha fatto." The girl was then distracted, anxiously gazing through the darkness at another of the clouds’ loud cries. She soon recovered, though, laughing at her uncle’s folly. He smiled and shook his head. "No, nessuni sogni per me questo tempo. Forse avrò un realmente buono un prossimo tempo."

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