and even though you fool your souls

It was another rainy day in the lands. They had been more often than not it seemed to be lately. Seeing no reason for her to go out and get soaked trying to patrol the borders she had taken up residence in the library on one of the sofas. A book was resting in her lap, being help up by one hand while the other rested on her cheek. Her reading skills had steadily been improving thanks to Kansas' teaching and help, but she still had a lot to learn. A dreary day such as this one seemed the perfect to sit and work on her skills. What she was reading was actually what the humans had called a graphic novel, where pictures went along with the text of the story. She had found they were a good learning tool for if she couldn't quite figure out a work, she could look at the pictures to help discern what it was.

The Lt. General couldn't say how long she had been sitting in there, but it had been most of the morning and early afternoon. Despite it being rainy the mansion seemed fairly quiet and no one else was in the library. Now and again she had heard movement in the other parts of the house, but nothing interesting enough to tear her away from her book. The woman stretched her arms over her head, repositioning herself on the couch just as her name was called out. She had never been called like that before and her heart stopped in her chest. Her eyes grew wide in her head and before she knew she was moving she was running from the library out into the living area.

Despite how fast she was actually moving it felt like she was running in slow motion. As she rounded the corner she saw Anu on the floor kneeling next to something or someone. Oh gods... Like a flash Savina was kneeling next to the older woman and as she looked down upon her daughter she thought she might die. Cambria's pupils were dilated to an alarming degree and there was a strange white substance on her nose. Her breathing was short and sharp as panic gripped her and she felt as though she was suffocating. Scared green orbs looked to the other wolfess. "Anu...what...?" What do we do? Her gaze darted here and there and landed upon that pack that belonged to their Commader and the packets of white. The next time she spoke her voice was hard. "Where's Naniko," she said picking up her daughter and clutching her to her chest.


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