These killing lights won't kill us all again
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The horse looked at him, a sideways glance but a look nonetheless. Heath caught his eye, and for a moment he saw something in the beast that he had once been unable to see. Or had he ignored it. Haven certainly didn’t, not missing a since ounce of the energy that the horse projected. In an instant the connection was broken, but it was something Heath could have fought to find again or walk away and think over for a time. But words came to his ears, and he looked at the other male with a smile. I guess we’ll see. His future was nothing, but he didn’t want to have that floating between them. Haven was a great guy, and a friend if Heath ever had one.

At his question Heath lost the smile he wore, Nothing. He said with a hollow tone. But once he cleared his throat his mind thought more clearly and his voice regained its natural flavor. It’s not worth it, he can try to live with what he did. Sometimes he felt like a coward for not returning to fight him, but then at other times (thankfully most often) he felt indifferent. The type of male his sire had become, the façade, would have to live with the knowledge. Heath would rather forget he ever had a father.

Oh, I would have gone there too… cant remember where it was. Left a little drunk. Heath returned as he smiled once again with a laugh in his voice, wanting to erase the resentment Haven held towards the place. He laughed again, a soft chuckle as he listened to the male’s question. No need, she was quite pleasant. Though Heath could see what might have caused him to believe an apology was necessary. She was quite a character. Yeah, I also met Jacquez. He, you might want to apologize for… No, I think he’s... different but great. Eccentric, but great. Heath felt his mouth slowly close, and looked back to the stallion. But his smile didn’t change. After a brief moment he spoke again, And Ruri. The things he could say about her were not ones that he wanted to confess, that was if he could put them to words.

Not wanting to linger on the subject Heath looked to the horse and questioned, Whats his name?

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