give me some placebos, I want to feel good
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ooc -

It's cool. Sorry for the wait from me, now. XD

ic -

The dog man smiled in response, happy enough that Talon was friendly, with quite a bit to say about his name, it seemed. "It's nice to meet you, too, Talon." Vigilante chose to use the man's name, rather than his nickname, purely because of the length of time they had known each other, which was very close to no time at all, indeed. Things such as nicknames were not used freely for him, as he felt he needed to know someone first, before using it, however, he had no problem with giving his nickname instead of his real name, on occasion. There were times when he just didn't want someone to know his name, as the word itself raised questions. Then, he chose to use Vigi, instead.

He nodded his agreement. "Jacquez accepted me, although there was someone else there, for only a moment. . . A little scarred female. Do you know who she is? She did not give her name, and our king did not say anything further after she had left." Vigilante was still curious as to who the female was; it had been rather impolite to arrive and leave without introducing herself, but it seemed as though she had been upset or angry. He cocked his head at the wolfish man, hoping that Talon could enlighten him as to who the firey woman had been. "How are you liking it here so far?" He didn't know what he thought of it, but it seemed nice enough. It was very different from the pack he had been raised in, that was for sure. As for whether he really liked it, well, he would need to wait and see.


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