a taste of hell.
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_rain.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom center; border:1px solid #FFFFFF; text-align:justify;">

    Kaena was just as cautious as Talon, regarding him with that single golden-yellow eye at all times. She didn't dare so much as blink yet, though a nervous smile was just barely displayed across her black lips. She had read hybrid in his blood, but he had all the appearance of a wolf, and he belonged to the Cour des Miracles pack, though Kaena wasn't sure if she ought to refer to that gathering of canines as a pack. Jacq had refered to himself as a king, after all, and both of the members she'd faced were at least of muddled wolf blood. She was intrigued by them, and she allowed the presence of the other with little more than curiosity about his origins and his strange adornments, having been first subdued by the presence of the weapon. Plus, as Jacquez had been somewhat enticing to the gray female, she didn't want to stir any trouble with members of his pack.

    The question was no surprise to Kaena, and she thought on it a moment, dangling one leg over the drop in front of them. Even if she fell, it was only a few feet—they were far too low in the foothills to encounter any serious cliffs. The question didn't alarm her so much—it seemed the creature was just genuinely curious about life in Inferni, and Kaena thought it was an acceptable enough question. "I like living in Inferni better than living in a pack," she said, speaking from experience. She had lived in the Murmuring Falls pack, serving beneath Narcyz and Wera until she had snapped that night. "Nobody expects you to lay flat on your belly and grovel," she said, derision evident in her tone. She was far too proud for that in her old age—if she had returned to Inferni to find a sniveling coyote demanding she bow to him, she would have turned tail and left just as quickly as she'd arrived.

    "And nobody parades around like being the leader means their ass needs to be kissed at all times," she said, laughing now. It was a raspy, sound, and she was pleased enough with her answers—all it revealed was that the hierarchy did not demand constant dominance and submission, and that was the truth. It did not mean their hierarchy was meaningless, but having to "pull rank" in Inferni was extremely rare. As an Aquila, even Kaena hadn't demanded constant submission from her underlings—they recognized her as the leader, and that was enough for her. She had always disliked wolf dominance and submission, anyhow—showing it to Kaena in a moment of anger didn't often help anyone's case.


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