the world is a vampire
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No worries! I hadn't realized you were out of town. XD Sorry for pestering you with that PM. ^^; And lupus it is!

ic -

The voice startled him, but he couldn't help but grin at her when he saw her, taking in the color of her fur and the general happiness that seemed to surround her. She was very pretty, with an interesting fur pattern; it was one he had never seen before, such a rich mixture of browns. Usually, brown wolves had creams, tans, whites, and blacks mixed in as well, but her fur was a lovely and deep brown, the dog-mutt noted. Her face was darker than the fur around it, making it very distinct, and very likely memorable. Her eyes were vibrant, and she didn't appear to be angry with him for anything, so that was, indeed, a plus. He did have a small fear that he may be treading too closely to another pack's territory.

"Oh, I was just looking at the old trees," he answered, looking over at the plants once more. They had long since been unattended, and he did wonder if they could be reformed. "I was just wondering if these could be tamed, and used to grow fruit once more." If he had known more about plants and herbs of various kinds, he might have been able to know that these trees once had grown the vibrant and delicious red apples, but unfortunately, Vigilante was not well versed in plants. "What is such a pretty girl doing out here?" the malamute mix asked her, turning his attention to the female of chocolate shades that had joined him.


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