I Know This Familiar Place
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _table.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">


The clouds only had themselves? "Come una famiglia?" Their loneliness didn’t seem so bad now. For a long while, Amata had only played with her family too. Sometimes they would get visited by other packmembers, but they were family too. Only recently had the pup played with other pups from other packs. And so she thought that the clouds should also play with a friend every once in a while. Her tail wagged a little when her uncle continued, because she thought that it might be fun to try to play with the clouds. Sometimes they just looked so soft and fluffy when they were just floating there in the blueness. She’d have to figure it out one day.

The girl nodded solemnly to herself, as if she too were contemplating a great matter. The mansion was a good place to live, and this place definitely did not look like the mansion. But why else would you build something like this? The girl didn’t know. So, naturally, she turned to her uncle. "Che hanno usato questo luogo per -- che è un mulino a vento?" The creamy pup realized that she didn’t even know what a windmill was! How silly of her, and she giggled at her silliness. If she knew what a windmill was, maybe she could know what this building was for. She felt very smart for having reasoned that out all by herself. She wouldn’t be able to understand why the humans built, though. But her uncle said that it was very fun. She smiled up at him and asked, "Realmente? Lei può mostrarmi un giorno?" She wanted to know what made it fun too, and she wanted to have fun. Spending time with her uncle was fun anyway. Like her mamma and dadda, he seemed to know the answers to all of her questions.

For a moment, the adult was silent—maybe he was thinking. She liked to think too, or at least ask questions. And suddenly it seemed that her uncle knew. The little girl twitched in response. She was excited to hear for what her uncle would ask the Dream Maker. And his answer was delightful! The little girl barked up at him. "Ciò è una buona idea, Zio Ehno!" Why hadn’t she thought of that too. That was the best idea that she’d heard all day! Her little nose nuzzled against her uncle’s chest affectionately. He was the best for thinking of that nice thing! She wished that she could think of nice things to do, too. "Chiederò il Fabbricante di Sogno per ciò anche—poi le nuvole non saranno solitario e possono avere degli amici anche." Her uncle had found the answer. That was how they could play with the clouds.


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