percussion gun
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Should we assume that they don’t know about Cambria yet?
Edit: Since the pack thread happens right after the day that Cambria is sad, then maybe we should either back-date this or have them be sad about Cambria?

Amata woke slowly from a dream. She had been playing with the clouds, and they did not yell and they were not angry. They were white and fluffy and soft and nice, and they gave her nice pats on the head. In her dream she had turned around to look at a small cloud that had come to visit her—it must have been a puppy cloud, like her. But she didn’t get to know if she had gotten to play with it or not, because now she was awake. A little frown came to her sleepy face as she yawned and streatched, reaching with her little toes as she rolled over to her other side. Licking her muzzle, her body relaxed, and it seemed as if she would fall asleep again. But suddenly she sat up, shaking her fur. As she moved away from her sleeping family (and she noticed, with dismay, that Gotham was not there) she couldn’t help but notice that the ground was not like the clouds. She refrained from giggling as she left behind the butterfly toy—maybe Cambria will still want to sleep with it.

As quietly as she could, the little girl walked out of the room. She found that her brother’s scent was strong here, and she followed it stealthily as if she were hunting. The sound of her approach was noisier as she plopped down each step (the steps were so huge!), careful not to fall down. And she felt very accomplished when she made it down the entire flight without slipping and falling, and she was doubly glad that she had not hurt herself. Wagging her tail and looking back up at the stairs in conquest, she continued on her way, prancing daintily as she went. And Gotham was just ahead—he wasn’t hiding or anything.

"Watcha lookin’ at?" the girl whispered, aware that the entire place was very quiet with sleeping members. But as she came up alongside him, she followed his gaze. "Ohs!" she exclaimed, her tail wagging furiously as she smiled a toothy grin. "Is a butterfwy!" Then, remembering many weeks ago what had happened when she and Cambria had tried to play with one, she wondered if her brother knew also. Turning, she looked at him with wide, almost surprised eyes. "We can’t touches her, or she will sleeps forever!" The last word was uttered with awe, as if it were the most horrible thing in the world. And, of course, this butterfly was a girl butterfly, she thought, because it was very colourful.


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