when our mouths are filled with fire
I'm back! <33 -loves on- also, innuendo in my first paragraph Big Grin

The female looked across the clearing at him, readying herself. She could do this...he could do it too. They would do it together, like packmembers should. She lept from the brush and the spear shot from her hand in one combined motion, flying through the air and into the animal that stood a short distance away. It gave one bleat of pain before she cut off the sound with her other spear, the tip lodging itself in the animal's throat. It started to run but didn't get very far, the long spears catching in the bushes and bringing the creature to the ground.

She looked over to see how Hemming had done, approaching the deer and watching as it struggled for its last few breaths of air. As soon as it stopped breathing she yanked her spears from its throat and side, raising her hands in victory.


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