hysterical confession, my big courageous move

They had sat vigilantly beside the girl as she recovered, and even with the silent hours and the waiting Anu could not find the explanation. She had been in shock, but now there was something else running through her veins. Anu looked to Savina, a hard look on her own face that matched the upset mother. Disappointment, regret, confusion rolled through her brain, and Anu wished that things were different. It hadn’t needed to happen like this. If they had known before, before the accident and before the addiction. But there was no changing the present, only the future. She sat beside her friend, feeling the strength that could only be manifested by their bond. Savina looked at her, and Anu read a hint of doubt a hint of fear. Anu smiled, and hope rose from within. Yes, she had cried when alone. She cried for her family, for the pack and the changes that were occurring. But there would be no sadness now. She trusted the woman she sat with, trusted that together they could overcome this hardship.

She watched as the Commander leaned to head back and raised the call. The tone, one of gathering, rang through the air. It was important, and maybe the most important. Her ears filled with it, and though she could have ignored the urge Anu felt her nose rise. Her voice was low, under the frequency Savina called with. No one could ignore it, no one would be missing. If they were, Anu would make it priority to track them down. The sound filled her, and she felt the sorrow peak and fall. It was time for change, and time for all to know of it.


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