hysterical confession, my big courageous move
347 words

There was a howl from his leader. Well technically there was someone above Savina in rank, at least to Ares' out-dated knowledge, but as he hadn't ever met that other wolfess the image that was summoned at the thought of a leader was that of the larger, dark female. Honestly, Ares was pretty surprised that there hadn't been any calls like this sooner. He'd been a member nearly a month, and this was the first official pack-thing he'd been summoned to. It was sorta weird. The idea of a pack was one of wolves that always spent time together, that did stuff, but really, other than the richness and safety of the territory he lived on, he might as well not be in the ranks of a pack for all his solitude. Oh, sure, he'd met 3, 4? pack members, but their encounters hadn't been long and did not come close to consuming as significant of a percentage of his time as he had expected.

So he padded along happily, curiously, even if Savina's tone had held a hint of stress, of worry. If the pack was having troubles, well he'd be there with them, and everyone would fight the trouble together, like a pack. No, like an army! A thrill ran up his spine, tickling. Maybe they were going to war! Maybe they were even going to fight.. Dahlia de Mai. That would be so fucking awesomeee. Oh, and Mati would probably be there! Maybe he could even sit by her. The excitement ran through his veins, liquid like blood, but he quickly tugged a solemn mask down over his face, yellow eyes pretending to understand how grave the situation probably was.

There were only three people there so far. Two of them were strangers. One was Savina. None were Mati, and equally none were talking. He wanted to sit by someone familiar, but the strange atmosphere combined with her position as the wolf who called this meeting made him a little uneasy about doing so, so he settled himself carefully at the edge of the group.

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