80 miles to the gallon
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Her laughter filled his fuzzy head and made him laugh as well. Man, he hadn't felt this good drinking in a very long time. Before he had drank to forget, to numb himself to the pain of the world around him. This time though he had drank to have a good time and he certainly had achieved that goal. Though how could he not with Siobhan by his side? Every time she stumbled and leaned against him he eagerly caught her and snickered a little. She was drunk! He was too, of course, but his focus was set entirely on the beautiful snowy girl beside him. She looked so radiant in her red dress, though she was always radiant in his jade eyes.

Haven grinned like an idiot as their clasped hands swung back and forth between them. The sight of the house they shared was a very welcome one. It had been nice to see the rest of the pack, but now he wanted to spend alone time with her again. Nothing was quite as good as the quality time the two of them spent. When they finally reached the front door of the house the Knight opened the door but misjudged the weight that he had placed upon the wood and when the door swung open he lost his balance and toppled over onto the floor, inadvertently pulling her down with him. Laying on the ground Haven burst into a fit of laughter. How clumsy of him!


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