Generation to generation
Sorry about the wait, I've been either busy or too exhausted to do much lately.

The pain that had awoken within him had eventually started to cease. Though the last few nights of sleep had been unfit and often restless, Valentine was adjusting to the fact that he would no longer be able to reminisce with Phasma like he had wanted to. For the most part, those that had known her in the pack had been sombre and after a while that had slowly begun to wear on him like time did to the oldest of buildings. It had driven him out for the day and over to places that he hadn't recognised before. Though he had distantly heard the sound of the river as it rushed by, the true nature of its tranquillity had never appealed to him until he had come across it. When he did, it stirred a sense of comfort that he had been missing for quite some time.

The wintry chill in the air no longer worked its ways to his skin, but the bite of the frigid water had stung his hands fiercely when he had gotten a drink. The wind was caught in the trees and it skewed his bangs around a little bit, but he didn't muster the energy to brush them out of his eyes entirely. It wasn't until he had come around a forested bend in the path that something did catch his eye. The something rather, became a someone. Just from the sheer size and build of the fellow downstream from him should have told him to stay away, but Valentine never thought that he could be possibly unfriendly. He was just that naïve, paying little heed to the burly wolf's scars, other than viewing them as him being a skilled fighter. Or perhaps someone who had been beat up a few times. Who really knew besides the actual fellow himself?

The bow and arrow get up did catch his eye, sparking a firm memory of playing archery and ultimately being his prompt for conversation when he stepped in close enough to do so. “That's the first time I've seen anyone around here who had one of those,” he commented, “and you've got quite a nice bow, if I may add. Do you specialise in archery, or are you just a hunter?” Some didn't see the difference between sport and tool, but Valentine did. It was an absent-minded throwback to the fact that he hadn't been raised there for very long, if any time at all.

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