Pay attention to the small things
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(700+) Sorri for ventetid. Og Dawali e den første ulven utenom Noir som Kinigisdi vise seg for.

Despite the fact that Noir had tasted reality a few times in her life, she had been able to keep her unique innocent and childlike soul intact despite her growing age. Her siblings mainly found hunting as the new way of entertainment, while Noir lagged behind. The brightly hued girl had not at all attempted to learn how to hunt. She just could not find a singular molecule in her body that was willing to go through and kill another being, no matter the cause. It saddened her, because she did of course understand that it was necessary in order for a wolf to survive. Despite this knowledge, Noir Aston did not wish to hunt. At all.. With uncle Ho, she tried to learn to fish again. So far the girl hadn’t been lucky catching one with her bum. She was starting to wonder if uncle Ho had only been lucky when he had caught that fish with his bum a few months ago. Fish was not a cute animal, so it was okay to kill it, and the girl certainly enjoyed the different taste. Perhaps she could fish in order to make herself useful in the food area. She could not lean on her fellow pack members forever. It was not a nice thing to do.

She wondered if Dawali was angry at her for running away from the hunt, but he had not yet said anything about it. The Kinigisdi bird had not had any problems with telling her exactly what was wrong with her thinking. Noir found this whole thing with the strange bluebird quite depressing. Actually, she quite loved birds. The talking bluebird was the first bird that had let her come up close to investigate it. It had also sung for her, and that song of the bluebird was one of Noir’s favourite songs. It was just that it was something off about it all and Noir was far from certain of how to handle it. Birds did not talk into someone’s heads, and Baby Duck only seemed to be aware of the bird every now and then, but not always. Her family had not seemed to see it at all, though Noir had never asked them if they did when the small bird jumped around them. As if Kinigisdi was not really there. Was Noir’s brain imagining talking birds? The girl did not like the thought of being more of a nutcase more than she had to.

Noir beamed up at the man that was one of her two definite father figures. Oh, she had a lot to tell him! ”You saw Baby Duck and I found the baby all alone and Asha said that I was its mother and that I did not need to have milk in my belly because duck babies do not drink milk and Baby Duck is special because he is gray and not yellow and his neck is starting to get really long and weird.” Yes, this was correct. She found it very odd. Perhaps it would grow so long that Baby Duck could not walk without dragging his head along the floor with him. Or maybe it would just fall off. She hoped not. Things without heads usually died. ”Oh, and Claudius and I met a big giant monster thing called a cow and it stomped on Baby Duck and almost killed him that’s why Baby Duck has lots of clothes on him so that he can heal better!” Yes, it had been a cow. It had been very scary and obviously dangerous. ”Cow was superbig and lots of fur and had two things sticking out of its head, looking a bit like those things some man deers have.”

Yes, he had missed out on a lot lately in Noir’s life! ”And I have found a friend that said her name is Cambreeah and she really liked butterflies just like me and uncle Ho is teaching me how to fish with my bum because I like fish.” Yes. Perhaps she would get better and manage to catch some fish soon. Oh, and;; ”and there is a bird that is following me all the time. I like birds but it is weird.” Noir wanted to talk about the weird bird that always seemed to be around her, but she did not want to mention that she imagined hearing a voice, because Dawali might think that she was stupid in her head, and she really did not want that. As if on cue, the bluebird’s form appeared from the sky and elegantly settled on the ground in front of the two Aniwayans, although slightly closer to Noir than to the leader. The bird’s gaze turned to Dawali accompanied by a curt nod. Noir only stared at it as she always did, wondering if it would be stupid and make sounds inside her head again. She would not let it. "Go away bird!" the girl said loudly while she flattened her ears. Her gaze went to Dawali, wondering if he could see it.


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